Saturday, December 5, 2009

Whats a good crue for zits on your butt?

not saying I have this issueWhats a good crue for zits on your butt?
soapWhats a good crue for zits on your butt?
Never had this problem and I'm not a dermatologist so I can't give you a 100% guarantee, but treat it like you would zits on your face. I put plain old run-of-the-mill toothpaste on any zits I get. That usually helps get rid of it!
I would exfoliate the affected skin and use unscented soap. You can also use a ';dry brush'; to bring circulation to the area. It sure is a ';bummer'; of a place to get a zit hey?
keep your butt clean, or this could be related to your diet, try changing your eating habits for a week or two and see what happens.
Exfoliate, and make sure you wash with a non-moisturizing soap; glycerin soap is good for that. Using facial acne products or body washes that include benzoyl peroxide (max 10%) or salicylic acid (max 2%) will work as well. A nice combination product is St. Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub, which exfoliates nicely and contains salicylic acid.
Get them lanced by a doc.
soap water and a wash rag
A zit is a zit no matter where it is on the I would think that an acne medication would do the job.
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