Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to get rid of a massive zit? I have a bump on my chin...?

It was huge and red and really sore. But, I got most of the gross stuff (the pus/ the infection) out but now there is just kind of a scab there with a lot of dry skin around it. It's still a little sore as well. Is there some way to get this awful ';crater'; to look any better by tomorrow afternoon (Saturday)?How to get rid of a massive zit? I have a bump on my chin...?
Tea Tree oil. get it at Walgreen. dab just tiny bit on with a quetip.

It'll bring the swelling down. NOW keep your hands of your face. You'll make it worse.How to get rid of a massive zit? I have a bump on my chin...?
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well since you already got some of the puss out, there is no need for tooth paste. but since its a dry scab type thing now, i would wash it with a moisterizing clenser then put vasilen on it.
To cover that pesky zit, apply a small blob of concealer on the area, let it dry for a few minutes and then fan out the edges with your fingers or a makeup sponge. Dust on a smidgen of loose powder to set.

P.S. Don't pick! A zit that's left alone should disappear in 24 hours with a little help from a cream containing benzoyl peroxide. But a picked pimple can take three days to heal! If you've already done the deed, try this quick fix: Before bed, rub a dab of Neosporin--to prevent infections--on the area using a cotton swab. Now take a Band-Aid and place it over the top. In the morning, peel off the bandage and you'll look much better.
I've used hydrogen peroxide and then I put a triple antibiotic cream on it like neosporin.
This works! Go to Walgreens or your nearest pharmacy or beauty supply store and pick up the Mint Julep Masque by Queen Helene. Whenever you get a pimple put that on there and let it dry overnight. By the morning it will be almost gone.
Well, I don't know how you'd get rid of it that quick,but my dad always tells me to put alittle alcohal on it to dry it up. Also, I have acne but I keep it down by using a face med called Benzaclin or something like that it works really good. Good Luck!
dab sum mint fluride tooth paste onto it, the paste helps eliminat the red and is also an anti bacterial, mint cools the soreness too. good luck
By tomorrow afternoon? ha, rub a lamp! I know what happens when you bust a zit like that. You can't keep your hands off of it and now it looks gross, right? If you have a drying agent, such as zit medicine of some kind, clean the area real well with soap and water and then alcohol, put the medicine on it and cover it with a bandaid. If you're self concious about the bandaid try to find the clear ones. The point is not to touch it or agravate it more. Tomorrow it will look better and you may be able to cover it with makeup.

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