Sunday, December 13, 2009

Please help with zits!? it makes me so insecure:(?

i have pretty mild zits on my forehead. there is just a few but they are very red and sort of swollen:/ im really trying to get rid of them asap with a home remedy(: thanks so much. btw i am 13:]Please help with zits!? it makes me so insecure:(?
Hey sweetie, I'm about to give you the keys to the mint. Wash your face with antibacterial handsoap - nothing fancy, just clear. This will keep the bacteria level on your face to a minimum. Then use hydrocortizone CREAM, not ointment, after that. I buy the walmart brand cause I like the consistency of the formula better. Keep your hands off your face, wash any/all makeup brushes regularly, and get rid of pressed powder ';puffs'; asap - this breeds bacteria! Clean off your cell phone, home phones regularly as these touch your face. And if you have bangs, pin them back - this acts as a curtain to hold dirt and moisture against your skin. Take a multi vitamin every day.

This will work! I have used this regimen for 15 yrs.Please help with zits!? it makes me so insecure:(?

First you want a skin care routine that you can do morning and night. You need to make sure your skin gets everything it needs. You will need a cleanser,toner, and a moisterizer. You can get like proactive which comes with all of them or you can get them seperate. I reccomend Acne Free the brand. Then You want to exfoliate once a week. SO make sure you get an exfoliater to. Only do this once a week. Then make sure you drink plenty of water and fruits and veggies. That helps your skin dont ask why because I dont know. But then once a week change your pillow case because when you are sleeping oil gets on your pillow from your hair and skin. And make sure if you use make up it not to be to heavy becuase that will clog your pores. Hopes this helped! Sorry about my spelling!
you can use rubbing alcohol and that would them up and when that happens you can squeez it out and ful the whole with a good cream by putting a fingure tip of cream on the whole and that would full it up and yourskin wouldget clear but use neutrogena or ponds vanishing cream in the whole and it works try it i did that with all mines and it works you would be good in a month.
u can put viniger on them, it dries them out, and if u put a peice of bread(w/ a band aid on it) on them, the yeast will help alot, this is what my mom had me do, but u will hav 2 hav it don ovr nyt or all day, or it wnt work. and u culd also just wash it regulary w/ sum face wash(clean and clear works best for me anyways) and then ryt aftr that i wuld put a face cloth on my face that has been in hot water and is nice and steamy
OMFG i have really bad skin too and ive tried everything and anything u can think of but like 3 months ago i tried this system called murad and its soooo amazing like i have every type of acne too. i say try it it works like really fast and doents dry ur skin out or make it too shiny its sweet!
dont pick or pop them until they are ready.i have some scars from picking too soon,so dont do that.well get an overnight spot treatment cream(not expensive) and just use makeup,if you can.
Well, I don't know about a home remedy, but washing with soapyish water 3 times a day helps. :)
wash your face with a scrub or regular soap three times a day.
tea tree oil? not too sure sorry, maybe face wash or something?

hope you find some help! :)
i use tooth paste it sounds weird but it works my friends mom told me about it.%26lt;3
im sorry. if there irritated. you just have to wait for them to go away

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