Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do you fifteen year olds, if there are any out there, do you still get zits?

yucky zitsDo you fifteen year olds, if there are any out there, do you still get zits?
I'm 17, I don't usually get many zits, but occasionally I wake up with a few on my forehead.Do you fifteen year olds, if there are any out there, do you still get zits?
I get zits at 23! H202 on a pimple helps.
I'm 18 and I still get zits. Yucky zits. I have a 16 year old sister and a 15 year old brother and they get zits too. If it's really bad try seeing a dermatologist. Other then that, it's something that happens to just about everyone. Take good care of your skin, wash everyday, don't touch it with your fingers, and it could get better.
oui. but its not as bad as a few years ago xD
Yea, you pretty much have to stay on top of washing your face.

Even 40 year olds get zits.
im 16 and ive only ever had TINY ones, like 1at a time under my chin every few months maybe?

never had a proper one though, guess im luckyyyy
blemishes don't spare anyone.. even people in their 40s still get zits.
yup, im 16 and get them. and when i do, its bad. and it always happens to be inbetwwen my eyebrows or either side of my mouth and chin. its a pain! T-zone is really good though. mums 50 and still gets the odd one.
bleh. dont remind me. i'm almost 17 and i get the stupid things all the time when im stressed and then they take forever to GO AWAY.
yuh :(
yep im 15 and i occasionally get them.

just find the best products and wash your face!

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