Friday, December 11, 2009

Wen my zits pop they bleed and..........................?

the blood dries and leaves a clot how do i get rid of it?Wen my zits pop they bleed and..........................?
You shouldn't pop the zits in the first place.

To get rid of zits...

1. Place a very warm washcloth on the zit, and the area around it.

2. Next, make the washcloth cold, and put it on the zit again.

If that doesn't work use Velocity Facewash from Mary Kay

It really works!!!!Wen my zits pop they bleed and..........................?
dont pop the pimple. You might think ur getting rid of the zit, but it actually is creating more bacteria build up and making you get more pimples. If you are worried about your pimples go to a dermatologist that is in your familys insurance so that its free, he will prescribe you some awesome stuff that will work for you. The only zits you should pop is the whiteheads and u should stop popping them when you see clear liquid or blood. Also never pop pimples with ur finger, use a sanitized needle (run it over the fire) but stil you shouldnt pop them!!!
Use Stridex and go over the has been pimple.
Never, never pop your zits, that is how you get scars on your face and I am sure you don't want that.

To relieve your face of zits, simply use your favorite face mask cleanser and while it is still on your face get a face cloth and get wet with hot water. Wring out the water and then place the cloth over your face, while the mask is still on, then rinse the cloth with hot water and do it a second time. With that same cloth go ahead and wipe off the remainder mask cleanser, once you have wiped off all the cleanser, then rinse the cloth in COLD water, and place it over your face.

The HOT water opens your pores and lets grease and dirt out; the COLD water closes your pores so that they do not become prone to grease and dirt.

This method works well. Do it night and day, and your face will be fine.
that used to happen to me

i had read this book about skin stuff and things like that

if you have really oily skin if you mix together egg white and leave it on you skin for 10 mins then wash it off with a wet rag that helps a lot if you do it once or twice a week also if that doesn't work for you then you put a wet wash cloth in the microwave for a minute so it hurt your fingurs to even touch it (it needs to be hot) and then put it on your face

then that will make the redness go away and should help a lot
wash your face with an exfoliator and make sure you wash your face everyday..maybe a mudd mask will help as well

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