Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do YOU get rid of a zit FAST?!?

Do you have any home made remedies or quick tricks?How do YOU get rid of a zit FAST?!?
before bed put a giant glob of toothpaste on the zit. It will dry that thing out over night and be almost gone by morning. I use clean and clear stuff, but toothpaste does the same thing. Don't pop it, it will make it redder, more inflamed, and it will scar.How do YOU get rid of a zit FAST?!?
omg, I was about to ask the same question!! But u beat me to it. lol.
Pop it. My Clinique makeup does a fine job of drying them up too.
There is this stuff called zovarax. It works great but like every good thing it has a downside. To actually get rid of the pimple it peels your skin away so were you apply the medicine is peely for a day or 2 after.
proactive or wash your face
take a bottle of liquid cover up and smear it on your face, :)
Heat. BY applying a hot towel to sitting in a sauna/steam room will open the pours more so the puss will be able to come to the surface.
a palm sander..just kidding. Try popping it then putting tea tree oil on it, it has natural antibiotics in it that help it heal pretty fast. It smells strong when you put it on but as it dries doesn't smell at all.
Latley i have been going in a Sauna and my skin has been looking a lot beter!

Wash your face a at least 1 a day

Drink lost of water

and eat your fruits and veggies!

BUT a zit i normally just pop(it is bad and hurts a little but it gets rid of it) try going in a shower though, the steam opens it up and help it pop
Pop it =]
pop it (make sure you get the it doesnt come back tomorrow) ... clean ur face...then put toothpaste on it....ancient chinese secret!
squeeze it and pop it
there are some that are really effective that can be bought at CVS
Pop it. There is no ';fast'; way to get rid of one. You just have to hop it goes away fast.
Use regular tooth paste. Or try Persa Gel. Either will work.
An exacto knife
pop it quick! and then put some of that stuff on it.. in a brown botttle... kind of like rubbing alcohol... I think they use it on your ears too... this helps you to not scar.
the cause is is mostly food related鈥?/a>

look at this link for some foods to adoid and some to favor

good luck
use Zapzyt which has benzoyl peroxide, it dries it out. or just cover it with foundation like someone else said

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