Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do guys notice zits or other ';different'; facial features??

Just wondering, my friend has these really bad breakouts almost all the time, and she won't talk to guys becuz she is always worried about a zit or whitehead or something. But she is a really cute girl. Do u have any advice or reccomendations?Do guys notice zits or other ';different'; facial features??
She should talk to guys and open herself up; I'm sure that if she does, she'll find a guy who can see past her outer appearance. (Hey, come on, we're not all that bad!) ^_^Do guys notice zits or other ';different'; facial features??
hell yes we do
Ask your friend if shes tried Proactiv... i hear its great!
Proactive. My ex-best bud had horrible..... really horrible acne. and it completely cleared up his face.

Yes, guys do notice the facial features. They don't mention it though.
I notice those things but I don't really care. U should tell your friend not to worry so much because when someone starts to worry that's when I notice. Tell her to open up.
If a guy is into her, he won't care if she has a big zit on her face. He might notice it, but he won't care. Good rule of thumb with guys, if he makes fun of your zits, dump him. But for the zit problem, is she currently using any facial products? If not, try a deep cleaning facial wash, and a facial scrub to get dead skin off and clear up pores. Then try a moisturizer that is oil-free to prevent excess oil build-up. It might also be her makeup, switch to oil-free makeup. Also, do not wear a lot of makeup for a long period of time. If she uses facial products and none of them work, see a dermatologist, and he/she can perscribe an stronger acne treatment.
We do pay attention about facial features.

how much make up and zits.

How a woman would look like without make up.

i don't know about that proactiv because i have bad acne too so i started to use proactiv and it made my skin reallu red and itchy i thought i had sunburn but it turned out it was the proactiv.and i wasnt allergic to it either so that was not the case.My boyfriend tells me thathe really doesn't care about that because he says im pretty and plus t's the personality that counts.
yes. and they always have to make jokes out of it. but it's cool, just laugh with them

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