Friday, December 11, 2009

Chocolate give zits?

does chocolate give you pimples?Chocolate give zits?
only if you wash your face in it.Chocolate give zits?
nope it doesnt
Well, my face was pretty clear before October. The minute October came around, everyone at work started bringing in chocolate because of Halloween and I had zits the whole month. now that Halloween is over, they are finally starting to heal. So, I would say YES. It wasn't stress either; I had a blast all month long with everything to do like Universal Horror Nights and Busch Gardens Howl-o-scream and Guavaween.
No not that i've heard of
food doesnt cause pimples. you can eat all the chocolate you want and probably wotn give you a zit, its mroe stress and bacteria
whatever gets me best answer
Most people think so but they really dont. Stress does. The whole chocolate myth was brought up because alot of people eat it when they are stressed.
no i read that chocolate does not give you pimples so you could eat all the chocolate you what
most girls want cocolate because their stressed it's the sugars in it that make u break out and the stress
that's not true :)
no it doesn't! some people say it does, but doesn't! there just rumors
No chocolate doesn't give u zit. Stress and not taking care of your face is what gives u zits. i use a face wash and acne pads on my face. it seems 2 help. Clearasil acne treatment cream really helps 2 reduce zits. can get it in clear and colored cream.

excessive eating of oily foods could cause some breakouts......but for the most part no.

and if youre eating tons of yucky junk food, you dont care about weight or health anyways so why care about pimples anyways :) lol

are you having a sudden breakout, and youve recently eaten chocolate or something??
no that's just a eat away!!!
no, diet has nothing to do with zits.
actually I have known some people that do get zits from chocolate and I didn't believe it when my friend told me the allergy ran in her fam but she stopped eating choc and most dairy and her skin was like a new peep so I would try cutting most of dairy out for a few weeks if no improvement then you can eat all the choc you want unless your worried about your figure LOL :)
i dont think so

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