Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have A zit, and I never get them I need it to go away What do I do?

Im a teenager, I never have zits or acne or anything like that. I have only had a few pimples ever. I dont wear a lot of makeup only eyeliner and mascara. The zit is on my chin it's white and of course I start my first day of work TODAY! I need to know how i can get it to go away. Can I pop it or something? And if i do will it scar or anything. Please help me!I have A zit, and I never get them I need it to go away What do I do?
If you pop it carefully, you should be fine. Make sure you use a tissue so that your fingers don't push any extra dirt into the blemish.

Neutrogena Rapid Clear works well... they claim that 99% of zits will start clearing up within 8 hours of application!!

Consider yourself lucky that you don't get zits too often... they really suck!I have A zit, and I never get them I need it to go away What do I do?
Go buy a product that says it has 10% peroxide (Clearsil has one). Follow the directions and the zit will clear up within a day or two.
put CREST on it over night. works like a dream. for work... try to cover it up. I would put peroxide on it to dry it out. I hate acne.

Good luck
pop it then apply clearasil then makeup
Put toothpaste on it to dry it out
shave your face
Try this one:

Good luck at your new work ! ! !
I hope that is your worse problem in life.

BTW,my teenage daughter uses 'Seabreeze' brand astringent--it helps her with break-outs.

Heat (like a warm rag or steam will help it along through the process)

Beneyzel Peroxide %26amp; Siascylic Acid both work to help reduce them faster and KEEP them from re appearing.

But honestly you notice them more than anyone else will!

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