Saturday, June 26, 2010

Whts the best way 2 clear zits?

I have an acne treatment that has won me the best answer six times. Each time, the person said it worked great. I'll copy and paste it below.

Use a hot compress on it, and then use cool water to close the pores. Do the process over and over again, about five or six times. Use soap to wash the area, and then treat it with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. It should be gone within five to six hours.Whts the best way 2 clear zits?
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Whts the best way 2 clear zits?
Mary Kay Velocity=]

i use this stuff=]

i hope i helped=]
USE PROACTIV!!! it works. use it 2-3 times a day for best results. and remember, dont pop or pick! it makes the pores big and leaves scars. hope i helped you!!!
Keeping the skin clean and applying alcohol to dry them up. No alcohol around eyes, please!!!!
eat right, drinl plenty of water, exercise, clean and clear advantage
keeping the skin clean and eating right are the best ways to clear zits and keep them from coming.
well many people have told me about many of acning products and i know most of them work, but most of them cost 20 dollars or more.

but i have my my own little acning treatment with the ingredients that anyboby can use.

first you wash your face with warm water and get some cocoa butter cream and give you self a mask every night and in a week you'll see extreme results.
pee a lot, whenever you have a chance!!!!
Keep yo face clean.
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